The River Stone Shiatsu Association
Sennin-So Shiatsu is a specialized Japanese healing art that uses special techniques to improve the body's circulation. Practitioners work to release stagnant areas of circulation in your body, thus allowing fresh, oxygenated blood to move throughout the body freely. When circulation is moving at an efficient pace, pressure is relieved off of muscles and tendons and the body's homeostasis becomes balanced. It is here that optimal health is achieved.
What is
Sennin-So Shiatsu?
Come learn a little more about Sennin-So Shiatsu by hovering over each picture.

Shiatsu is performed without oils. We ask you to be dressed in yoga or workout attire. This eases many concerns over security and comfortability when receiving this technique.

Those who practice Sennin-So Shiatsu make a living helping individuals with chronic back pain. The root is not the back, though. Attack the root, not the symptom.

Arguably one of the most worn down areas in the body. The Japanese call the arch of the foot "The Second Heart". Let us show you why.

The Hands play a vital role in the health of our body. They also hold the key to information that your body is telling you. What are your hands saying?

Those with chronic neck pain see significant results with Shiatsu. But, in most cases, the neck isn't the site of the actual problem... just the symptom.

Believe it or not, the face holds quite a bit of stagnation. One extremely popular symptom of such stagnation: Acne! We'll show you how to help fix that nuisance once and for all.

One of the most needed and rarely worked on areas of the body is the abdomen. During trauma, the abdomen locks up. If unaddressed, this is a root site for so many ailments!

A chronic problem area for athletes... but a relatively easy ailment to correct for most. The root problem, though, is not where you think.

The site of so many "repetitive stress" injuries. If you want that tendinitis corrected, you MUST stop attacking just the symptom. Let us help alleviate this problem.