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Shiatsu Training Courses

River Stone Shiatsu Workshops

The River Stone Shiatsu has taken the love of Shiatsu and has gone in search of other amazing practitioners interested in taking its formulated Workshops in order to prepare young providers with the opportunity of learning and practicing this amazing form of Shiatsu.


These Workshops are separated into 4 phases:

Phase 1:  Introduction and Basics of Sennin-So Shiatsu and how to integrate it into your massage practice

Phase 2:  Advanced points and techniques

Phase 3:  Sports rehabilitation and prevention

Phase 4:  Master Class to be certified under The River Stone Shiatsu as an official practitioner


*Each Phase consists of 2 days ( 12 hours ) worth of education and hands on training.


Click here to check on future Workshop locations!

Cost:  $500 per student / per phase

Length:  12 hour,  2 day workshop

Location:  Varies.  Master Practitioner will come to each Workshop

River Stone Apprentice Program

Our full course Apprenticeship that is designed to prepare you to practice Sennin-So Shiatsu as a full time, independent provider.  Whether you integrate it into your massage practice or stick strictly to Shiatsu, this course will set you upon a path that will change your entire career.


The duration of the Apprenticeship  depends upon the student and their ability to learn, adapt, and grow as a practitioner studying a new art.   It takes many hours of practice to truly get a feel for this art.   Learning Sennin-So Shiatsu requires you to let go of what you know and keep an open perspective upon a new way of seeing the body.  The faster you open your mind to what is in front of you the quicker you will see the secrets that Sennin-So Shiatsu has to offer.


Facts about the Apprenticeship:


  • Hands on training with a Master Practitioner throughout the Apprenticeship.  The Master Practitioner,  guided by The River Stone Shiatsu curriculum as well as their own experience and touch, will poor their  knowledge into the student to help them to practice this art to the best of their ability.


  • Typical Apprenticeship lasts 3-6 months.   Though the true length depends on the student.


  • When completed, the student will obtain a certified River Stone Shiatsu certificate and be recognized by The River Stone Shiatsu as an official practitioner.


  • The student will be given the opportunity to join The River Stone Shiatsu Association upon graduating the Apprenticeship Program.  The Association's goal is to help guide the practitioner to achieving success as a Shiatsu Practitioner and help promote their business to the many in need in the practitioner's area.


Cost:  $2,500 w/ finance options available

Length:  Typically 3-6 month apprenticeship

Location:  Arrangements made w/ Master Practitioner

River Stone Master's Course

The term "Master", in the east, typically refers to an individual as a teacher.  It is not uncommon for practitioners of Sennin-So Shiatsu to be approached by individuals throughout their career who want to obtain the same knowledge and skill that they witness within the Sennin-So Shiatsu provider.  So for qualified River Stone Shiatsu providers, we offer a free Master's Course that allows them to take The River Stone Shiatsu curriculum and their own experience and continue to spread this amazing art to eager young healers.



  • Must be a member of the River Stone Shiatsu Association for at least 3 years.

  • Must continue to hold a practice and consistent clientele of at least 50 clients per month.

  • Must prove their growing knowledge and ability with a River Stone Shiatsu Master.




75% of fees from workshop's performed

75% of their student's tuition for Apprenticeship fees


Each applicant is tested and audited by a River Stone Shiatsu Master to

verify that they fill all requirements necessary to undertake this training.

Cost: Free / Must qualify by River Stone Shiatsu standards

Length:  1  Month

Location:  Arrangements made w/ Master Practitioner

For more information  and availabilities regarding The River Stone Shiatsu Association's training opportunities, please contact :


Adam Hewitt


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